The Mad Book Lover!
Book reviews and other musings on books, pets and life
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Review - The White Princess by Philippa Gregory
This is the latest book in the 'Cousins' War' series written by popular historical novelist Philippa Gregory. The series follows the events of the War of the Roses and focuses primarily on the important female characters of the time. The recent TV drama series The White Queen was based on three of the books in the series. This instalment looks at what happens after the events of the TV show (and the other books), in the aftermath of Richard III's defeat, during the early years of Henry Tudor's reign. It is written from the viewpoint of Elizabeth, daughter of Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV, and Henry's eventual wife (and of course mother to the notorious Henry VIII).
Having read and enjoyed the other books in the series, and after reading a preview snippet of this one, I was really looking forward to reading The White Princess, but I have to say it was something of a disappointment. The book is well written and easy to read, as always with this author, and is well-researched. The heroine is believable, three dimensional and sympathetic. But the story I am sad to say is just a tad dull. Compared to the hundreds of books and numerous dramas/films about Henry VIII, his father Henry VII has had meagre attention. And this book proves why. He was not a flamboyant character at all, a fairly colourless historical figure who was probably best known for his money-grubbing. So for Gregory to make him the hero in her novel was I think a mistake. She has tried to give him character and make him more sympathetic by showing him as a child bereft of tender care, growing up to be an adult who finds it hard to inspire love whilst at the same time yearning for it. She has depicted his unpleasant actions as the result of this childhood trauma and of his overwhelming fear at losing his throne. But these measures are not enough. To me, he comes across as a cold, uninspiring character. When Elizabeth suddenly admits that she has grown to love him, this statement seems completely unbelievable and lacking in sincerity. How, we ask, has this man who cannot inspire love in anyone but his own mother, managed to make this beautiful passionate woman care about him? A question the author does not really answer.
Not only is the relationship between the hero and heroine rather insipid, the plot too is uninspiring. It is fragmentary and episodic and seems to consist mostly of Elizabeth having babies and Henry fighting off various pretenders to the throne. The events which take place in the reign of Henry Tudor lack the drama of the earlier episodes of the Wars of the Roses. Even the one and only potentially 'juicy' happening of his reign - the 'Perkin Warbeck' incident - is not handled too well. Anticipation for this incident kept me reading, hoping for some sparks flying when Elizabeth and the mysterious pretender met. But there was barely any interaction between the pair and the whole Perkin incident was an unsatisfying as the rest of the book.
The book only really came to life and felt like vintage Philippa Gregory when Elizabeth was talking about her love for Richard III. Of course it's pure speculation on the author's part that Elizabeth and Richard were in love and having an affair - but this is historical fiction, not fact, and it certainly makes for an interesting story-line. And Richard is a far more compelling and charismatic figure than Henry Tudor. I can't help but wonder why Gregory didn't backtrack a little into the events of the earlier novels in the series (as she has done in all the others) and show Elizabeth's viewpoint of her meeting and falling in love with Richard, which was what I was actually expecting of the book. Perhaps the author was a little weary of going over the same ground and wanted to break new territory, but in my opinion this was not the best decision.
The book was certainly not a bad read. Some of the characters were excellent. The heroine herself and the scheming single-minded Margaret Beaufort, obsessed almost to insanity with her only son, especially stand out. There were also some very poignant episodes such as the fate of young Teddy and the moments of love between Elizabeth and her first-born son Arthur, whom we know is to die young. The 'curse' (which in the earlier instalments of the series Elizabeth and her mother made to ensure the first born son of the killer of the princes in the tower) makes its reappearance here and provides some thought provoking moments, especially when we realise that both Henry Tudor's first born son and Henry VIII's first born son both died young. There is also a lot of interesting and lesser known historical fact within the fiction.
However, although not without its merits, for me this has to be the weakest link in the series.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
The Secret of Buzzard Scar by Malcolm Saville - Review and Location Visit
A first for me, not only a book review but, as an extra element to merely reading the
story, I also visited the very locations described in the book!
Although I have quite enjoyed some of Malcolm Saville’s
books, I wouldn’t say I was a dedicated fan. However when I found out that this
story was set around my beloved home turf of Swaledale and Richmond, I was
intrigued. This is a fairly gentle children's holiday adventure story with a slight
mystery element. It is actually the last in a series (the Nettleford series)
about a brother and sister, Sally and Paul Richardson and their friends. All
the books are set in the children’s home town of Nettleford, except for this one in which the
action moves to North Yorkshire.
The plot involves a holiday in which Sally and Paul are
taken along with their friend Elizabeth Langton and her Vicar father when he
swaps Parish for a couple of weeks with a Yorkshire clergyman so that his
family can have a bit of a break. Before
they leave Sally and Paul’s father gives them a mysterious note in which they
are told to visit a Mrs Quegley in her bookshop at Richmond. There begins a
series of clues and intrigues and they also meet a rather unpleasant red-haried
man whom they christen ‘Ginger Whiskers.’. When they arrive at the village
where they are staying they immediately set off to explore, despite the rather
inclement weather! They visit a mysterious ruined house called Crackpot Hall,
and venture into an exciting cave at the top of a hidden valley. They also keep
running into ‘Ginger Whiskers’ and begin to suspect him of nefarious goings on!
What is his secret and what does it have to do with the cave and the ruined
Crackpot Hall…?
There is a lot to like in this book but for me it is the
realism throughout that impresses me the most, along with the contrast to the more
usual (and fairly clichéd) holiday adventure stories. The almost workmanlike
denouement at the end of the book may perhaps be a little tame for those
readers who like the rather garish adventures of the Famous Five and their ilk,
but I preferred this more realistic ‘adventure.' For
me this was far more like my own childhood in which children wove fantasy scenarios around
real situations and people, and I feel that readers will be able to identify
with this sort of adventure far more than with the unlikely kidnappings and
various nefarious goings-on of Enid Blyton’s more lurid tales. In some ways
this was a type of ‘Northanger Abbey’ scenario in which the children build up
all sorts of wild and wonderful theories of what could be happening before finding
out the more prosaic reality. Such is life!
Realism also comes in the form of the setting. Like most of
Malcolm Saville’s books this was set in a real place and, despite the unlikely
name, Crackpot Hall actually does exist - as does the cave, the town of Richmond
and the River Swale. Although a few liberties have been taken with the exact
location of some places and a few real villages have been amalgamated to form
the fictional village the children stay at in the book, it is possible to actually visit a
lot of the locations in the story (And indeed I did visit them – see below) The
author really captures the character of the place and re-creates in words a very
real picture of the locations. He even weaves the lead-mining heritage - a huge part of Swaledale history and identity - into the plot. This evocation of real places is perhaps Malcolm Savilles’s
greatest strength as a writer and sets him apart from most other children’s
authors of the time.
Even the weather is more realistic than (and a direct
contrast to) most holiday adventures I have read. Usually long hot days where
kids bask in shorts are the order of the day. However in this book the rain is
pretty relentless. Apparently the author is writing from the experience of a
long wet holiday spent in Swaledale. I can’t help but wonder if there was also
some ironic contrast intended here. Just as the reader expects a deadly villain
but is given something more real, so the reader gets rather more realistic
weather than the surely idealised holiday adventure sun. Even the (for me somehow
irritating) habit children have in these books of going for a bracing early
morning dip is contrasted with the unplanned near drowning in the treacherous and icy waters of the River Swale. As I was reading this book a few weeks ago when we were
experiencing the coldest wettest spring since I could remember, this was
actually a refreshing change for me: I was becoming heartily sick of reading
about the long hot summers in children’s books whilst I was shivering in umpteen
layers of clothes! (Ironically, as I am publishing this blog post the weather has
made a return to those old-fashioned hot story book summers!)
Despite this being far more realistic than most children’s
adventure stories, the author still keeps the reader hooked throughout the book
by creating a sense of excitement, mystery and danger throughout. The story is
populated by various mysterious characters such as Mrs Quigley, Mr Scarlett and
Ginger Whiskers, there is a sense of menace in the creepy ruins and the scary
dark cave. And there are very real dangers in the swollen rivers of the Swale
and the perilous remains of houses and mines. This weaving of adventure and mystery over a more down to
earth backdrop exactly evokes the way that childhood imagination – without the
need for computers or video games it may be added – can create amazing and magical worlds
within the framework of reality.
Perhaps not a classic in the genre, but this is a clever,
thoughtful exploration of the contrast of fantasy and reality, as well as a
cracking holiday adventure story.
A friend and fellow Malcolm Saville fan and I set out from
Richmond to visit two of the main locations in the book – Crackpot Hall and the
cave and waterfall at Swinner Gill. Despite the previous few days being warm and sunny – a
marked contrast to the weather in the actual story – life began to imitate art
as we set out on a cold and grey day with rain in the air. I hadn’t actually
seem either the ruin or the cave before so I was almost as excited as the child
protagonists as we set up the beautiful Swale Valley towards Carckpot Hall.
This is a very impressive ruined house set high on the side of the valley with
a wonderful view over the River Swale. However I didn’t feel any of the menace
which the children attributed to the place in the story. To me it seemed a
peaceful and starkly attractive place. But to childish eyes looking for
adventure and danger, I could see how it could easily be converted into a haunted
house or villain's hide-out.
Crackpot Hall |
From Crackpot we
headed further above the Swale into the dramatic deep sided gorge of Swinner
Gill. Here the pretty waterfalls contrasted with the gloomy grey remains of
lead mining and here once again it is easy to see how the wildness of the place could spark off
many vivid imaginings.
Swinner Gill |
The cave entrance was actually quite a pretty spot where a
dainty waterfall trickled over a profusion of rocks. The entrance itself however
was anything but pretty. I had somehow expected a large welcoming cave mouth but this was a
low blackly grinning tunnel in which one has to scramble quite a way on hands
and knees in order to reach the large main chamber. Sadly the children in the
story proved far more intrepid than us. After a few feet of scrambling through the
tunnel on treacherously slippery rocks, juggling both torches and
claustrophobia, we decided to beat a sensible retreat. In the parlance of those
fictional adventures we would no doubt have been dubbed ‘feeble’ but age
changes priorities somewhat and being labelled feeble somehow does not have the
menace of the threat of a broken ankle!
The waterfall and cave entrance |
The visit was enjoyable and brought the book even more to
life, however it made me realise that, as much as adults may enjoy reading
children’s adventure books, they are far more suited to re-creating those
adventures in their heads rather than in real life. It thus proved a fitting tribute
to a book which contrasts fantasy and reality!
More info on the book and other Malcolm Saville titles can be found on the Malcolm Saville website
Saturday, 15 June 2013
TV Review - Horizon: The Secret Life of the Cat
Not a book review for once but a TV review. However as it features one of my favourite animals I felt I had to comment.
This was a Horizon special which comprised of 2 programmes following the study of a group of 50 cats in a Surrey village, fitted with GPS collars and special cameras. The aim was to find out just what cats get up to when they leave the house and their life of domestic bliss.
Although it was nice to see a documentary about one of my favourite, and most fascinating of animals, I was slightly disappointed in the main programme (The Secret Life of the Cat). I felt that there wasn’t enough actual ‘cat action’ in the programme. Bleeping computer screens, guff about how various technology had been developed and countless cat owners blathering on about their pets filled up most of the hour. The few minutes of actual cat footage which remained seemed to be almost shoved in as an afterthought, perhaps as the producers thought, oh dear this was supposed to be about cats we’d better actually show a few. Nor was there really much the average cat person didn’t already know about moggies: they like to roam about at night, they fight, they kill rats, mice and other furred and feathered critters, they sneak into other people’s homes and nick other cat’s dinners. The most telling information garnered was that about cats roaming habits. The revelation that cats shared the same territory at different times in a kind of ‘time share’ was very interesting. The ‘cats eye’ view from the cameras was too, although once again they didn’t show enough of this fascinating angle.
The shorter follow-up programme the next day (Little Cat Diaries) was however a bit more insightful and showed more of the actual cats. In this instalment the focus was on three particular cats from the larger study: the top hunter, the top roamer (and boss cat of the neighbourhood) and a cat who had packed its fur and left its owners to take up residence in a house across the street. It also focused on a stray cat which was lurking around the neighbourhood and taking liberties with other cat’s homes and dindins. Hermes, the ‘top cat’ was particularly interesting as it was a hermaphrodite - although it seemed to actually have an overdose of testosterone judging from its propensity to ride rough shod over other cats' territory!
Having a background in psychology, I was particularly interested in the recreation of a classic experiment into infant attachment, in which dogs were seen to display the same reliance and separation anxiety to their owners that infants did to their mothers. Cats however frankly didn’t give a toss when their owner disappeared and weren’t too ecstatic when they were re-united with them either. But I don’t feel that this demonstrated that cats didn’t love their owners, as the programme seemed to suggest, rather that they don’t have the same reliance on them for comfort or security.
In some ways the programme seemed to perpetuate the criticism non cat-lovers make about cats – that they are cold, unfeeling creatures who go around killing everything in sight. The latter point was exacerbated by a grisly chamber of horrors section in which an array of dead animals (and animal parts!) were paraded in front of the viewer. Watching this, I began to think I had accidentally tuned into a re-run of a Saw film rather than a documentary! The single eyeball (which was all one cat had left of its prey) peeping coyly at me from inside a tupperware box was not a sight that will leave my mind in a hurry. One of the cat experts was quick to point out that the actual ratio of kills to cats was fairly low: only half a victim to each cat per week. What he should have added is that if the owners didn’t let their animals out at night when most cats do their hunting, the death toll could be lessened even further.
Strangely enough, by the end of the 2 programmes I felt that the study had actually provided as much insight into the behaviour of human being as cats. In fact the cats came off as considerably more capable than many of the humans, and in some cases more intelligent too. Cats seemed to have had the upper hand in most of the relationships, with one family admitting that they organised their life around the cat, another calling themselves the cat’s staff, rather than owners. The neighbourhood stray managed to inviegle itself into a new home without too much trouble. (Not a rare occurance for a cat in my experience, as most of our family cats have chosen us rather than the other way round.) I had to smile at the pride some of the owners displayed in their cats’ various accomplishments. As one owner said, it was like parents preening themselves at school parent’s evening!
Sadly though, some of the owners did not really understand their cats at all. The owner of Orlando, the best hunter in the village, proudly announced that his decimation of the local bunny population was because he didn’t eat cat food but preferred a diet of rabbits. However perhaps if she had actually fed him cat food and kept him in at peak hunting times, the bunnies may have been a lot safer. The ex-owner of Obi, the cat who had abandoned its old home for a neighbour's seemed rather peeved that the cat had left after 10 years, seemingly clueless that it was her own thoughtless behaviour in letting a new dog into the home and allowing it to attack the cat, which had caused the poor animal to up sticks. I was also surprised and disappointed that the old chestnut of putting the cat out at night is still going strong. Despite statistics showing that most cats are killed at night (being run over by motorists who cannot see them in the dark) and also the preponderance of hunting and killing taking place at night, most of the owners in the study were happy to let their cats roam in the small hours.
All in all, perhaps not as much new data garnered about cat behaviour as would be hoped, but worth a look. In fact worth the watch alone just to find out that ‘Pet Detective’ is actually an official job! Now that’s something they never mentioned as an option at school careers day...
Both programmes are available on BBCiplayer until 17th July
Horizon the Secret Life of the Cat
Horizon - Little Cat Diaries
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Agatha Christie describes my home....
Judging from this paragraph in her book 'The Clocks' she knew what it was like for books to run amok and take over! This may be a description of a bookshop but it also describes my house exactly....
"Inside it was clear that the books owned the shop rather than the other way about. Everywhere they had run wild and taken possession of their habitat, breeding and multiplying and clearly lacking any strong hand to keep them down. The distance between bookshelves was so narrow you could only get along with great difficulty. There were piles of books perched on every shelf or table. On a stool in the corner, hemmed in by books, was an old man in a pork pie hat with a large flat face like a stuffed fish. He had the air of one who had given up an unequal struggle. He had attempted to master the books but the books had obviously succeeded in mastering him. He was a kind of King Canute of the book world, retreating before the advancing book tide. If he ordered it to retreat it would have been with the sure and hopeless certainty that it would not do so...."
(The Clocks by Agatha Christe, Collins 1963 page 112)
NB - Not that I wear a pork pie hat and have a face like a stuffed fish (at least I hope not!)
"Inside it was clear that the books owned the shop rather than the other way about. Everywhere they had run wild and taken possession of their habitat, breeding and multiplying and clearly lacking any strong hand to keep them down. The distance between bookshelves was so narrow you could only get along with great difficulty. There were piles of books perched on every shelf or table. On a stool in the corner, hemmed in by books, was an old man in a pork pie hat with a large flat face like a stuffed fish. He had the air of one who had given up an unequal struggle. He had attempted to master the books but the books had obviously succeeded in mastering him. He was a kind of King Canute of the book world, retreating before the advancing book tide. If he ordered it to retreat it would have been with the sure and hopeless certainty that it would not do so...."
(The Clocks by Agatha Christe, Collins 1963 page 112)
NB - Not that I wear a pork pie hat and have a face like a stuffed fish (at least I hope not!)
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Book Review - Falling for Eli: How I Lost Heart, Then Gained Hope Through the Love of a Singular Horse by Nancy Shulins
Falling for Eli is the memoir of Nancy Shulins, and the story of how she
healed the pain of infertility and the loss of her dreams of motherhood through
the love of a horse called Eli.
One again in this blog I am moving out of my comfort zone
with this book. Normally I find it hard to concentrate on non-fictional memoirs,
even those which are interesting (and sadly many are downright dull and poorly
written). Also as someone who has zero maternal instincts for the human child
(my maternal instincts are expressed only in the care of cats, dogs or horses)
I wondered if I would be able to relate to that aspect of the subject matter.
From the first pages I soon realised that both fears were unfounded.
The book is far better written than the average memoir and is certainly not dull.
The writing flows and is as easy to read and as stylish as good fiction. It has
warmth and humour, as well as emotional depth.
And what of the subject matter? The main theme of the book
is of course the heart-rending inability of the author to fulfil her dream of
motherhood. However you don’t have to have the same problem, or indeed even to
be female to understand and empathise with this situation. Anyone who has had
their dreams shattered in some way, or feels themselves set apart from the
rest of humanity because they cannot do the same things as ‘normal’ people – be
it through inability to have children, poverty, ill health or whatever – will find
strength and comfort in this book. It is so easy to feel that you are alone and
everyone else is having a better life than you. Nancy Shulin – through her
incredibly brave honesty – gives the reader assurance that this is not the
case. And she also shows how pain can be healed and life enriched once more by
taking a different direction in life. The fact that I have read many comments about the
book from a diverse range of people who seem to feel the book has helped them
with their own various problems, seems to emphasise the universal nature of
this book’s message.
Nancy Shulins heals her own pain through the love of a horse
called Eli. There are many insensitive jokes made about women using animals as
child-substitutes, but to 'animal people' this is a normal and indeed healthy
practice. We are not talking about those females who dress up their little dogs
in baby clothes and push them around in prams or carry them in handbags. In this instance the animals are
substitutes for dolls (or even worse fashion accessories) rather than children and those sort of
women have not really grown up. However I think that there is a very deep need
in most mature females to nurture and protect something. The majority of women express
this primarily with children. But then there are those whose nurturing instincts
are – as in the case of the author - thwarted, and so turn to animals instead. Some
of us actually prefer the animals themselves in the first place. But for most
females there seems to be a part of us which is unfulfilled unless we are
caring for and nurturing a living creature. As we bond with our animals we soon
realise that they are not actually inferior substitutes for children. They
become as important to us as if they were our own flesh and blood. Falling For Eli
both highlights and celebrates this bond and should be required reading for
anyone who doesn’t understand an animal lover’s closeness to their beloved
horse, cat or dog: the sort of person who sees animals as possessions which can
easily be replaced rather than living breathing beings. Perhaps this book could even enlighten
such a reader as to the real nature of the bond between humans and animals.
But this is not just a book about the mothering instinct and
its expression in the care of an animal. It is also a fascinating story of what
it’s like to get the ‘horse bug.’ There is a rather crude myth (probably
sniggered at by the same sort of people who laugh at women’s maternal affection
for animals) which says that pre-pubescent and teenage girls use horses
primarily as a male substitute and then lose interest when they find a real
man. What a load of nonsense! Although she rode as a child, the author did not plunge wholly into the world of horses until an adult, giving lie to the fact that this ‘bug’ is the sole province of teenage girls. It can strike at any age. And
as the book also shows, if a horse is any substitute at all, it is as a
substitute for a child not a man. (Maybe a man could be a – rather poor - substitute
for a horse on the other hand!) Of course the reader soon realises that Eli is far
more than a mere substitute. He becomes a being in his own right, who takes
over the author’s life in so many ways. The author describes perfectly what it
is like to own a horse, not just the mechanics, but the emotional ups and downs
and the effect it can have on the whole of your life. For anyone who wonders
just what owning a horse entails or what the world of the horse-lover is like,
this book will tell them all they need to know. For those of us who have owned
or loved horses or spent any time in the horsy world, the book gives us the affirmation
that being ‘horse-mad’ is not suffering from some strange disease (as many like
to tell us!) but is actually a very special privilege.
For me however the real strength of the book is that it
highlights the amazing healing power of the horse. In my other incarnation as a
reader and collector of children’s pony books, I have read thousands of stories
in which a horse changes the heroine’s life forever. Perhaps it turns her into a better person, maybe it heals a hurt inside.
Reading this book makes you realise this does not only happen in fiction. Real
horses also have the power to heal us and even restore our faith in life.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Book Review - Blaze of Glory by M. Garzon

Tea seems to have everything: a gorgeous horse whom she is planning to compete on at high level, a great brother, fab friends. But emotional and family problems threaten her happiness, leading in turn to a terrible event which changes her life forever. As Tea struggles to cope with the aftermath she finds herself falling in love with her supportive step-cousin Jaden. But will this relationship help her come to terms with her problems or cause her even deeper hurt?
This blog was meant to be reserved for non-pony stories or adult books (both horsy and non horsy) so what is a young adult/teen horse story doing here? The answer is (as it is with so much in life!) sex. There’s a lot of it in the book and quite a bit of it in the review. Not really suitable for my more child friendly ponymadbooklovers blog!
If this book were a person my relationship with it would be a bit of a roller-coaster ride – going from a shaky start to a full-blown love affair (when I could not put the book down) but then degenerating into dissatisfaction as the honeymoon period wore off.
After reading the first few pages I thought oh dear typical modern teen horse novel. Heroine with a prodigious riding talent – check. 16 hand warmblood – check. Glam girlies discussing boys and looks – check. However, as I had heard good things about the book, I decided to read on. And I soon found that this book was in fact actually quite far-removed from the typical teen horse story. Under the veneer of the usual equine young adult story, everything was slightly off-key and out of kilter and this originality was for me the outstanding element of the book. The reader soon learns that though our heroine seems to live a perfect life, things are not as they first appear.
This is brought home devastatingly by the extremely shocking, but extremely well-written scene where Tea is beaten by her step-father after disobeying him. The reader is expecting a lecture or perhaps a temper outburst, but this is actual physical abuse. This amazing scene immediately takes the story to a new level. Throughout the book, the issue of physical abuse is explored deeply and sensitively, from both sides of the problem. Another theme which is explored at length is that of grief and depression. Tea’s experience of both is portrayed realistically and with compassion.
The writing is accomplished, the characters are for the most part realistic, and the dialogue is very good, with the interaction between the brother and sister perhaps the highlight .
So, with all these good points, why did my ardour for the book begin to fade?
It was when the horsy side of the story (incidentally realistic and authentic) began to be subsumed by the growing romance between Tea and Jaden. If only their relationship had stayed as a sub-plot to a main equine plot, my love affair with the book would have surely continued to until the end. As it was, the horsy side of things seemed to shrivel up and die under the all consuming shadow of the romance. At the same time so did my unadulterated passion for the story. I am actually using the relationship metaphor here for a purpose (it’s not just my literary conceit!) because far more than being a horse novel or a young adult story, this is in essence a romance not far removed from the old 'Mills and Boon' scenario. It should really have been called ‘Blaze of Passion’ rather than ‘Blaze of Glory.’
The relationship between Tea and Jaden actually starts off as an interesting and a refreshing backdrop to the horsy parts of the book. The growing obsession Tea starts to feel for Jaden is very well portrayed, as is the burgeoning closeness between them when Tea begins to share her pain with him. However as their relationship progresses from one-sided to mutual it begins to overtake the entire story. The ‘will they – won’t they?’ aspect of the pair's interactions becomes somewhat tedious. And the ever-lasting preamble to their first making love is drawn out longer than a period of Sting-style tantric sex. After a while it becomes like a session of eternal foreplay which goes on so long you start to lose interest and begin to think about what you are going to cook for dinner and if the curtains need cleaning or not. The reader longs to scream, For Heaven’s sake you two get the dirty deed over and done with!
I also felt the overly ‘gentlemanly’ approach of Jaden to sex was fairly unrealistic. In my experience men of that age have to be practically beaten off with sticks! (And no, that is not a metaphor!)
In other ways, however, Jaden is the typical Mills and Boon hero: gorgeous, rich, talented, with the usual beautiful girl rival to our heroine hovering in the background. He also shares that (for me at least) unendearing masterful streak which so many romantic heroes seem to possess. The scene where he picks Tea up and carries her out of the racing yard is pure (and the worst sort of) Mills and Boon, as is the initial intense dislike of the pair which soon blossoms into desire, after a myriad of misunderstandings and confusions.
I have read a lot of discussion about the unsavoury nature of the relationship due to the fact the pair are cousins (step-cousins not blood-related), or because of the age gap. However to me these issues are not as worrisome as the old-fashioned attitude to the gender dynamics between the pair. Throughout the story Jaden is almost always made out to be the one in the right, and Tea is slowly made to conform to his viewpoint. In just about every way he is dominant, with her becoming subservient. His mood swings and blowing hot and cold, his bossy overpowering behaviour and moralising are seen to be justified because they are the result of his caring for her, but although he gets away with unacceptable behaviour in this way, Tea is made to seem childish and irresponsible when she doesn’t behave perfectly. Supposedly it is Tea’s wild streak which attracts Jaden, but once he has her in his grasp he loses no time in trying to subdue it. This is perfectly illustrated by the way he keeps her under overly-tight wraps on the polo field. Even in their sexual relationship he is the one who calls the shots and decides when they will consummate their relationship, whilst Tea’s sexual needs are ignored. In some ways the heroines of the 1950s pony stories were more enlightened and independent than poor lovesick Tea. I can’t see the likes of Jill Crewe for example submitting to the will of Jaden! I don’t want to get too much on my feminist hobby horse here, but I feel it’s a shame that such old-fashioned attitudes to gender politics should be displayed in this day and age in a book aimed at teenage girls.
Because the relationship between Jaden and Tea dominates the book, there is a lot less horsy content than I would have liked, particularly as the novel appears to be marketed as a pony/horse story. This is a pity, as the equine parts of the book are very well done and, because of the author’s experience in the field, authentic. The polo aspect in particular is interesting, as it is not seen in too many horse stories. Unfortunately even most of the polo matches are portrayed more in terms of the relationship of Tea and Jaden than that between her and her horse. I feel that the book should have been marketed as a teen romance rather than a horse story; in that way the reader would have been more prepared for the turn the story takes.
As a romance and a study of teenage problems and issues the book is excellent. It is certainly far better written than the average teen pony story and has a much greater emotional depth than most. But as an actual horse story, for me it fails somewhat. Of course I am slightly biased against romances and if you love them, you will probably love this book too. Likewise a lot of teenage girls, full of hormones and romantic notions will probably devour the story hungrily. For those, like me, who don’t relish the Mills and Boon angle and are perhaps a bit more jaded, the relationship aspect of the book may pall a little. The fact that the book concentrates a lot on themes such as sex, drugs and physical abuse also makes this an unsuitable read for younger horselovers. Not that any of this is done in a salacious or tacky way, it must be added. However it does once again narrow the field of potential readers.
A sequel is apparently planned and one can only hope that with the first passion of her relationship with Jaden out of the way, Tea can get on with the really important stuff in life – horses! In that case I’d certainly be back to renew my affair with the books!
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Book Review - Painting Naked by Maggie Dana

My first book review on my new blog which I have set up for non-horsy and adult book reviews and anything else which is not really suitable for my child friendly Pony Mad Booklovers Blog!
Appropriately this book does not feature a single horse or pony (although it is written by the author of a number of children's horse stories - and she has somehow managed to shoehorn the words 'pony' and 'horses' into the text just to remind us that is her true calling in life!)
Also appropriate for a new start is the fact that this is not my normal sort of read. I am not really much of a 'girly' girl. I don’t understand the shoe thing at all and the conventional male heroes of romantic fiction really turn me off. Therefore I don’t normally read romances or woman’s fiction. I usually find them dull, shallow and formulaic.
However Maggie Dana’s excellent novel is none of these things. Although ostensibly a romance about a woman who rediscovers her first love later in life, there is far more to the book than those bare bones. The novel attempts to explore many interesting aspects of relationships, in particular how the act of falling in love can change your relationships with the other people around you. And, even more tellingly, how it can negatively affect your own personality as it is subsumed by the power of emotion. Most romances don’t even question the way that a woman can lose her own identity in trying to conform to what she feels the man in her life wants her to be. In fact in the worst of them there is still an out-dated belief that a woman should mould herself into a certain type in order to ‘win her man.’ In Maggie Dana’s story the heroine, Jill, does indeed change when re-united with her first love Colin: treating her friends badly, losing her independence, and becoming increasingly erratic in her behaviour. But the author forces her heroine to confront these changes and question what she is doing.
The book also explores other serious issues including psychological parental abuse and physical spousal abuse.
However despite having a depth few romances aspire to, and tackling weighty issues many authors in the genre would shy away from, this book is not at all dull and depressing. On the contrary there is a light humourous touch throughout which balances out the serious aspects of the story and makes the book an easy pleasurable read. Humour ranges from out and out slapstick to wry observation on the oddities of life.
This novel also has another string to its bow, being something of a mystery story too. No, we are not talking Miss Marple or Inspector Morse here. The mysteries within the story are far more subtle. Such as why Jill’s mother seems to despise her and what is the secret behind Colin’s relationship with Shelby? The sense of hidden secrets slowly unfolding keeps the reader turning the pages in a way a conventional romance perhaps would not. There are various twists and turns throughout the book and we are never sure whether the story will have the conventional romantic ending or nor. Even the final scene is ambiguous and keeps us guessing!
But perhaps my favourite aspect of the book is that it treats the older woman as both human and sexual. These middle-aged women are not content to fade into the background as the stock motherly older woman character. They have lives, careers and interests of their own. And yes, they have sex. Lots of it! (In fact I’m starting to think I am doing something wrong!) The sex is very well handled, neither too coy nor too blatantly ’Fifty Shades’ soft porn, and with a humour that makes it extremely realistic.
Anyone of a certain age knows that though bits may start to sag and wrinkles appear, we are all still young on the inside and never really change that much. I love how the author portrays this by skillfully blending snippets of the heroine’s teenage years with her present day life. Jill and her old friend Sophie’s behaviour as adults parallels the things they did as teenagers, giggling over men, spying on the ‘boys’ and even decorating sans clothing! I think making the older characters still appear young in this way gives the book appeal to all ages, not just those readers who are a similar age to the main characters.
It sometimes pays to move out of your comfort zone and I would certainly have missed out had I not ventured outside my normal horse related/thriller/fantasy territory to try this excellent novel. Whether or not you like romances, whether you are 19 or 90 - if you want to read a story which has a bit of depth, a lot of humour and will keep you turning pages (and who doesn’t?) then this is the book for you!
Painting Naked is available as a Kindle e-book on Amazon
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